Texas Marks ’66 Sniper Attack as University Prepares for ‘Campus-Carry’ Law

By DAVID MONTGOMERY from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2aoCjvP
via IFTTTThe University of Texas will mark one of the bloodiest campus shootings in U.S. history on the day that a state law permitting concealed firearms on campus takes effect. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Donald Trump Suggests Khizr Khan’s Wife Wasn’t ‘Allowed’ to Speak

By MAGGIE HABERMAN from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2a807HH
via IFTTTIn an ABC interview, Mr. Trump implied that Ghazala Khan’s silence while her husband spoke about their soldier son’s death at the Democratic convention may have been because of her Muslim faith. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Letters to the Editor

By Unknown Author from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2aFg1Kh
via IFTTTReaders sound off on the latest headlines in Sports. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Malaysia’s Leader, Dogged by a Billion-Dollar Scandal, Proves Untouchable

By RICHARD C. PADDOCK from NYT World http://ift.tt/2aoJC9i
via IFTTTOver Najib Razak’s 40 years in public office, and through accusations of kickbacks, ties to a murder and more, he has been easy to underestimate. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

The Mets Are Clutchless, and Clueless Too

By JAMES WAGNER from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2akIPs7
via IFTTTThey are on pace to have the second-worst batting average with runners in scoring position in baseball history, and team officials do not know why. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Refugees Find a Flag They Can March Behind at the Olympics

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2aGSKou
via IFTTTThe 10 members of the International Olympic Committee’s first refugee team had no way of representing the countries from which they were forced to flee. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Electoral Map Gives Donald Trump Few Places to Go

By ALEXANDER BURNS and MAGGIE HABERMAN from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2apSatr
via IFTTTThe Republican candidate intends to focus on three or four states his campaign believes he must sweep, but his path to election looks ever narrower. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Doctors Are Improperly Billing Some on Medicare, U.S. Says

By ROBERT PEAR from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2az6Jgs
via IFTTTFederal officials have warned doctors that they may be subject to penalties if they persist in these practices and could be fined or excluded from Medicare. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Biggest Ads of the Campaign So Far: The Convention Videos

By NICK CORASANITI from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2aEUQYW
via IFTTTThe biographical videos shown at the Republican and Democratic conventions amounted to some of the most important ads of the presidential campaign. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Carson Wentz, the Eagles’ Future, Patiently Awaits His Turn

By TIM CASEY from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2am6NAD
via IFTTTWentz started at quarterback for just one season in high school and two in college. It may be another year before he sees the field as a pro. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Broncos Practice as if Peyton Manning Were Still Right Behind Them

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2aSrMtf
via IFTTTManning was Denver’s de facto drill sergeant over the last four seasons. The Broncos say they are just as fastidious in his wake as they were in his presence. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Russian News Group Walks Tightrope in Covering U.S. Election

By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM and NICHOLAS FANDOS from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2aotylp
via IFTTTRT, formerly known as Russia Today, has long been scrutinized for being a propaganda outlet of sorts for the Putin government, which oversees its finances. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Forest Hills Stadium, Cradle of the United States Open, Is Reborn

By NICHOLAS McCARVEL from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2aosptS
via IFTTTSix years after the West Side Tennis Club considered selling the stadium to developers, it will again host professional tennis. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

John Kerr, Chronicler of Freud-Jung Rift, Is Dead at 66

By BENEDICT CAREY from NYT Science http://ift.tt/2albA1Y
via IFTTTMr. Kerr wrote a book about the theorists’ feud, which became the basis for a play and a movie, and edited books written by psychologists. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

The Next Derek Jeter? The Yankees Are Suddenly Full of Possibilities

By BILLY WITZ from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2a7MUPf
via IFTTTGleyber Torres, acquired from the Cubs in the Aroldis Chapman trade, is among a number of prospects at shortstop. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

With a Million-Dollar Arm, a Softball League Makes Its Pitch

By ERICA WESTLY from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2ayZdSK
via IFTTTMonica Abbott signed a $1 million contract with the newest National Pro Fastpitch franchise in May, a sign that the league is ready to grow. But to do so, it may need corporate sponsors. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Your Self-Driving-Car Manual

By JON REINER from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aSkuWJ
via IFTTTSit back and let your new Golem Zombie act out for you. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

When Women Win, Men Win, Too

By NICHOLAS KRISTOF from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aSk16A
via IFTTTResearch shows broad benefits of shattered glass ceilings. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

What Babies Know About Physics and Foreign Languages

By ALISON GOPNIK from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2al7KG9
via IFTTTOur kids don’t need to be taught in order to learn. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Waters Most Foul at the Olympics

By THE EDITORIAL BOARD from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aF2zpR
via IFTTTThe woes facing the Rio Games pose a question: Why do cities court the extraordinary demands and expenses of the Olympics? July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Virginia’s Century-Old Mentality on Race

By THE EDITORIAL BOARD from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aolS2y
via IFTTTA state court was wrong in ruling against Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s order restoring the voting rights of thousands of people with felony convictions. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

The Trouble for Hillary

By FRANK BRUNI from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2am0mNR
via IFTTTShe’s the sunnier candidate, but these are stormier times. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

The Strip

By BRIAN McFADDEN from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aA54c7
via IFTTTA weekly comic strip featured in the Sunday Review. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Thanks, Obama

By MAUREEN DOWD from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aSkvJV
via IFTTTThe Audacity of Hope has downshifted to the Banality of Practicality. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Red in Beak and Claw

By MARGARET RENKL from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aEKAjN
via IFTTTIt’s nesting season, and there’s a blood bath near the birdbath. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Quotes from Hillary Clinton’s Convention

By Unknown Author from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aome99
via IFTTTRounding up some of the notable things that were said at the Democratic National Convention. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Punishment That Doesn’t Fit the Crime

By ERIC BERKOWITZ from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aSkcPg
via IFTTTThousands of youths, many guilty of nothing more than indecent exposure, are on sexual registries. The policy dooms many to lives of isolation. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Liberalism’s Big Bet

By ROSS DOUTHAT from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aA4KtY
via IFTTTWooing anti-Trump Republicans with symbolism, swinging left on substance. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

How Benjamin Netanyahu Is Crushing Israel’s Free Press

By RUTH MARGALIT from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aSkaqX
via IFTTTIn the last year and a half, the prime minister has sought to turn Israeli media into his own private empire. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Frans de Waal

By KATE MURPHY from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2ahLcrK
via IFTTTA primatologist on the feelings of plants, watching fish and biking with abandon. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Common Core Regrets?

By Unknown Author from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2akzHny
via IFTTTReaders differ on the value of educational standards. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

A Woman-Child in Jamaica

By NICOLE DENNIS-BENN from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2aA5YoS
via IFTTTYou’re like us now, my mother and grandmother said. I wasn’t ready to be. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

A Few Simple Truths on Immigration

By THE EDITORIAL BOARD from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2a7Ksbq
via IFTTTCareful examination of the facts undermines the claims of Donald Trump and his allies. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Why Hillary Should Fear Optimism

By RAMESH PONNURU from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2a7KKPw
via IFTTTIn an anxious era, Democratic bromides won’t win over Americans deeply dissatisfied with their politicians. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

The Path to Prosperity Is Blue

By JACOB S. HACKER and PAUL PIERSON from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2am0cGa
via IFTTTStates dominated by Democrats are generally better for your well-being. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

At the Front in a Scarred Falluja

By BRYAN DENTON from NYT World http://ift.tt/2aSjMbY
via IFTTTBryan Denton, a photographer who works for The New York Times and is based in Beirut, Lebanon, gives his account of covering Iraqi forces’ recapture of Falluja from the Islamic State. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Study Finds Chinese Students Excel in Critical Thinking. Until College.

By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ from NYT World http://ift.tt/2aF0YAo
via IFTTTAs university enrollment surges in China, apathy and poor teaching are eating away at advantages seen in elementary and primary schools, research out of Stanford suggests. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Quiet Protest Helped Tina Charles Find the Voice of Her Conscience

By SETH BERKMAN from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2al6DX0
via IFTTTCharles has dominated the W.N.B.A. with her play and has found a platform to address social issues, particularly gun violence. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Research and the Corporation

By Unknown Author from NYT Business Day http://ift.tt/2al5wq4
via IFTTTA reader responds to “They Promised Us Jet Packs” (July 24). July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Chickens Uncaged

By Unknown Author from NYT Business Day http://ift.tt/2aGFnER
via IFTTTReaders respond to “Clearing the Cages but Maybe Not the Conscience” (July 17). July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

A Glass Ceiling Now Broken, Is U.S. Ready for a Madam President?

By DECLAN WALSH from NYT World http://ift.tt/2ayWety
via IFTTTWith Hillary Clinton’s historic nomination, Americans are confronting the country’s poor record of putting women in positions of power. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Tigers-Mets Deal Proves a Win-Win

By TYLER KEPNER from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2al3Ug0
via IFTTTA year ago at the trade deadline, Detroit dealt Yoenis Cespedes for two pitchers, including Michael Fulmer, who is 9-2 with a 2.50 E.R.A. this season. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Custom Wedges Offer Words of Confidence, or Crassness

By ZACH SCHONBRUN from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2a7DlzJ
via IFTTTJustin Thomas has a childhood nickname. Andrew Johnson has cuts of meat. No matter what a player has engraved on his wedges, they show he has made it. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

How to Counter the Putin Playbook

By MICHAEL A. McFAUL from NYT Opinion http://ift.tt/2al0IkB
via IFTTTUndermining democracies is part of Russia’s plan to extend its influence. The U.S. must push back. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Hot Air Balloon Crashes in Central Texas With 16 Aboard

By CHRISTINE HAUSER from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2aEypn8
via IFTTTA federal official said the balloon caught fire in midair. Local media quoted public safety officials as saying there were fatalities. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

U.S. Wrestles With How to Fight Back Against Cyberattacks

By DAVID E. SANGER from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2aCKHL4
via IFTTTThe hacking into Democratic campaign computer systems is forcing the White House to confront a new question: whether, and if so how, to retaliate. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Sharde Simpson and Ken Douglas: Finding an Apartment, and Much More

By VINCENT M. MALLOZZI from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2a7xIkW
via IFTTT“Are you seriously looking for an apartment?” the real estate broker asked his future bride. “You look like you’re 12 years old.” July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Dara Gordon and Chris McCoy: Casting a Comedy, Finding a Romantic Lead

By VINCENT M. MALLOZZI from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2ahwRLR
via IFTTTA talent manager calls the director of a comedy called “Good Kids,” and love ensues. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

A Fund-Raiser Planting Seeds to Improve Young Patients’ Lives

By As told to PATRICIA R. OLSEN from NYT Job Market http://ift.tt/2aS5hon
via IFTTTRachel Wobschall builds relationships with donors to Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare to help fund treatment for children, teens and young adults. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM

Fender Benders on Water? (See: Expanded Panama Canal)

via IFTTTA section of the new, larger sea lane has troubled veteran ship pilots, and led to an accident involving a Chinese container ship. July 31, 2016 at 05:00AM