What’s on TV Sunday: ‘Big Little Lies’ and ‘The Good Fight’

By RYAN BURLESON from NYT Arts http://ift.tt/2kVcng7
via IFTTTReese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Laura Dern lead a brooding class drama set in California. And Christine Baranski is back. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Arts Groups Draft Battle Plans as Trump Funding Cuts Loom

via IFTTTAcross the country, orchestras, theaters and operas reacted with alarm that public funding for the arts could be cut under President Trump. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Martha Norrick, Dominic Williams

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2lxu8FI
via IFTTTThe couple met in 2006 celebrating at a bar after the State Assembly candidates they each worked for won. Mayor de Blasio will marry them. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Erin Lanahan, Andrew Williamson

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2maG2Ce
via IFTTTThe bride and the groom met in 2013 through OkCupid. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Donna Choi, Matthew Ellis

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2lxuCfc
via IFTTTThe couple met in 2013 while working at Brooklyn Prospect Charter School. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Alexandra Karasavva, Kyle Sinick

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2kLahP4
via IFTTTThe couple met on Hinge, and three months later, he told her he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Chivas gana el Clásico. Guadajalara vence 1-0 a América. Consulta los detalles del partido en ESPNDeportes. (ESPN)

from ESPN http://espn.go.com/
via IFTTT Chivas gana el Clásico. Guadajalara vence 1-0 a América. Consulta los detalles del partido en ESPNDeportes. (ESPN) February 19, 2017 at 05:06AM

Why You Might Not Want to Take Away a Billionaire’s Money

By JEFF SOMMER from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2maSIJi
via IFTTTThe very rich may have too much of it, but if you stripped them of all their wealth, you would, in many cases, do more harm than good. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Who Will Listen to a Billionaire’s Troubles?

By EILENE ZIMMERMAN from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2maU07e
via IFTTTA psychologist says the ultrarich suffer from the same existential angst the rest of us do. The main difference: Few people want to hear about it. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Who Are the Richest of the Rich?

By PAUL SULLIVAN from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2kAyNHk
via IFTTTThere are 2,473 billionaires in the world by a new count, and how they got their money and what they plan to do with it are matters of global importance. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Where the World’s Wealthiest Invest Their Billions

By PAUL SULLIVAN from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2maG6Sx
via IFTTTA look at 10 billionaires’ money reveals one thing the superrich have in common: a large amount of cash and liquid securities. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Where the Billionaires Come From

By MICHAEL CORKERY from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2l8aCyG
via IFTTTMore than half of the ultra-wealthy are self-made billionaires. The chance of joining their ranks remains incredibly slim. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Where the Big Money Is

By JUAN VELASCO and PAUL SULLIVAN from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2kLsKef
via IFTTTThe number of billionaires is rising across the globe, and the sources of their wealth are changing in ways that reflect major shifts in global business trends. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

What Do Billionaires Have in Common? Big Bucks, and Not Much Else

By LIZ MOYER from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2kAIeGV
via IFTTTThe popular imagination may associate billionaires with superyachts and private islands, but just as many live modestly, complicating the idea of the billionaire lifestyle. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

The Rise and Decline of the Hedge Fund Billionaire

By GRETCHEN MORGENSON from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2maDzYw
via IFTTTWhen several hedge fund managers fell off the list of the nation’s 400 richest people last year, some wealth watchers took it as a sign of a changing financial landscape. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Losing a Fortune Often Comes Down to One Thing: Family

By SCOTT JAMES from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2kAM7vs
via IFTTTA business can implode, the economy can go south, the markets can buckle. But one of the most reliable ways to demolish a fortune? You’re related to them. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Inside the Minds of the Ultrawealthy

By EILENE ZIMMERMAN from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2kACxc5
via IFTTTWhat motivates a billionaire to keep working? What makes them different? What are their fears and worries? The psychologist Brad Klontz has some answers. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

How Mark Cuban Hangs Onto His Money

By PAUL SULLIVAN from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2kAJRUX
via IFTTTThe outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks followed an out-there path toward wealth — and then took moves to protect it. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

How Big Do You Want Your Nest Egg to Be?

By ABBY ELLIN from NYT Your Money http://ift.tt/2kAHph6
via IFTTTA sampling indicates people’s calculations typically range into seven (or even eight) figures. But one woman says $36,000 a year would be just fine. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Jaime Cosloy, Seth Schiffman

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2kAIfut
via IFTTTThe bride and groom graduated from Rutgers but met years later through OkCupid. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Georgie Hambright, Bradley Tipper

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2kADoJG
via IFTTTShe is an interior designer, and he is with an alternative-asset management firm. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Elizabeth Hobson, Richard Morris

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2maFhcb
via IFTTTThe bride and the groom met at the New York Academy of Art. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Caitlin Sweany, Antonio Méndez

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2maHQLq
via IFTTTHe is on the staff of Colorado’s lieutenant governor, and she directs a health care task force. The governor of Colorado will perform the ceremony. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Brette Allen, Patrick Mowrer

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2maXJBz
via IFTTTThe bride works for Google, and the groom for Updater. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Arielle Reich, Michael Mandell

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2maTWV2
via IFTTTThe couple met in 2010 in Connecticut while working on the election campaign of Gov. Dannel P. Malloy. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Alexandra Gutman, Evan Levine

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2maG3Gl
via IFTTTThe bride, a lawyer, and the groom, a doctor, met at a party in New York. February 19, 2017 at 12:00AM

Pacers’ Glenn Robinson III Wins N.B.A.’s Slam-Dunk Contest

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2lvrWhz
via IFTTTRobinson bested Derrick Jones Jr. of the Suns in the final round, clearing three people for a reverse dunk that earned him a perfect 50 points on his final attempt. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Corrections: February 19, 2017

By Unknown Author from NYT Corrections http://ift.tt/2l8fjIV
via IFTTTCorrections appearing in print on Sunday, February 19, 2017. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Clyde Stubblefield, the ‘Funky Drummer’ for James Brown, Dies at 73

By JON CARAMANICA from NYT Arts http://ift.tt/2lxs9Bz
via IFTTTMr. Stubblefield was best known for a drum solo near the end of a 1969 Brown song he “didn’t like” that became the ubiquitous breakbeat of hip-hop’s sampling era. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Carmelo Anthony, Reluctant All-Star, Earns Respite From Knicks’ Drama

By SCOTT CACCIOLA from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2lvh7fy
via IFTTTA late replacement for Kevin Love in Sunday’s All-Star game, Anthony set aside trade rumors and his team’s off-court distractions in a brief period of “therapy.” February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Fact-Check: What Trump Got Wrong at His Rally

By LINDA QIU from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2kV1aMo
via IFTTTThe president repeated misleading statements on the vetting of refugees entering the United States and on the crime rate. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Quotation of the Day

By Unknown Author from NYT Today’s Paper http://ift.tt/2lWBIKy
via IFTTTQuotation of the day for Sunday, February 19, 2017. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Trump Returns to Campaign Trail After a Month in Office

By PETER BAKER from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2lWruKw
via IFTTTIn Florida, the president put aside the stress of Washington governing and reprised many of his greatest-hits themes and lines from last year. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Trump ‘More Streamlined’ Travel Ban Will Have a Rollout Plan

By THE NEW YORK TIMES from NYT World http://ift.tt/2liJOu1
via IFTTTJohn F. Kelly, the secretary of Homeland Security, said a revised travel ban was coming that would apply to fewer people. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Fedor Emelianenko’s Bout Against Matt Mitrione Is Canceled

By THE NEW YORK TIMES from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2lwZIDI
via IFTTTAfter Mitrione became ill, the Bellator fight was canceled hours before it was scheduled to take place in San Jose, Calif. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Versus: Fall 2017

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2kAlyq1
via IFTTTThe label’s fall 2017 rtw collection. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Trump to Interview 4 Candidates for National Security Adviser

By PETER BAKER and MAGGIE HABERMAN from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2l7G0gN
via IFTTTThree of the candidates are military veterans, and the fourth is John R. Bolton, the former United Nations ambassador. David H. Petraeus is not in the running. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

More Cash and Less Flash for a Relaxed Yoenis Cespedes

By JAMES WAGNER from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2l7u3b2
via IFTTTAfter last year’s daily car (or horse) show, the Mets’ most important hitter is more understated after a new $110 million contract put him at ease. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

New York Fashion Week in 60 Seconds

By JORDAN FULLER from NYT T Magazine http://ift.tt/2kAdFBc
via IFTTTT magazine's market director Malina Joseph Gilchrist recaps the fall/winter 2017 collections from New York. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Alison Hines, Nathan Koch

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2liprgk
via IFTTTShe works at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. He owns a theater production company. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM


By DEB AMLEN from NYT Crosswords & Games http://ift.tt/2kUIQTL
via IFTTTBruce Haight panics. Or maybe it’s all part of his plan to fool us. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Instant Awesome Video: Iowa Energy's Troy Williams dazzles with windmill and 360 jams to win NBA D-League dunk contest - #SCtop10 (ESPN)

from ESPN http://espn.go.com/
via IFTTT Instant Awesome Video: Iowa Energy's Troy Williams dazzles with windmill and 360 jams to win NBA D-League dunk contest - #SCtop10 (ESPN) February 18, 2017 at 10:54PM

Gareth Pugh: Fall 2017

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2kAhwho
via IFTTTThe label’s fall 2017 rtw collection. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Geert Wilders, a Dutch Nationalist Politician, Calls Moroccan Immigrants ‘Scum’

By RUSSELL GOLDMAN from NYT World http://ift.tt/2kA29Wi
via IFTTTMr. Wilders, the leader of the country’s Party for Freedom, is among several populist politicians in Europe gaining popularity in their countries. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

No. 3 Kansas Holds Off No. 4 Baylor in Big 12 Battle

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2kAh3Mf
via IFTTTLanden Lucas made two free throws with 11 seconds left, and No. 3 Kansas grabbed a stranglehold on the Big 12 race with a 67-65 victory at No. 4 Baylor. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

160,000 in Barcelona Urge Government to Take In More Refugees

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from NYT World http://ift.tt/2m9P9mD
via IFTTTSpain has accepted just 1,100 refugees of the more than 17,000 it has pledged to take in. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Craig Sager and Harvey Araton Are Honored by the Basketball Hall of Fame

By SCOTT CACCIOLA from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2luOVJD
via IFTTTSager, a former sideline reporter for Turner Sports, and Araton, a longtime writer at The Times, will be recognized at the Hall’s enshrinement ceremonies in September. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

California, Parched for 5 Years, Is Now Battered by Water

By THOMAS FULLER from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2l76I9g
via IFTTTAmid one of the wettest winters in decades, and a hurricane-force storm that caused widespread disruptions, more heavy rainfall is due to strike the state on Sunday. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Tap Your Toes Where Garth Brooks Played

via IFTTTBuilt in 1878, Gruene Hall is quintessentially Texan and also the oldest dance hall in the state. Willie Nelson, Loretta Lynn and Townes Van Zandt, have also performed there. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

Simone Rocha: Fall 2017

By Unknown Author from NYT Fashion & Style http://ift.tt/2li2ha1
via IFTTTThe label’s fall 2017 rtw collection. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

In 1968, a ‘Resurrection City’ of Tents, Erected to Fight Poverty

By DAMIEN CAVE and DARCY EVELEIGH from NYT U.S. http://ift.tt/2l6Muwq
via IFTTTAn occupation of the National Mall in Washington drew about 3,000 and highlighted the ills of the poor. Images unpublished until now show a more well-rounded portrait. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM

In Bali, Babies Are Believed Too Holy to Touch the Earth

By BRYANT ROUSSEAU from NYT World http://ift.tt/2kzORZU
via IFTTTA prevalent and ancient custom on the Indonesian island calls for infants’ feet to be kept off the ground for the first 105 days after birth. February 18, 2017 at 12:00AM